Why Become a Member

IHA is a non-Government, not-for-profit organization established under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 for the development of the Indian honey industry. IHA is the only honey industry alliance that is recognized by the Government, industry and scientific community as the single most important and credible stakeholder for all matters pertaining to honey.
The Alliance is open to all individuals, organizations and institutes who are stakeholders in the honey value chain irrespective of size and scale of business. We have a diverse membership base comprising brands, processors, exporters, aggregators, beekeepers and scientists engaged in all matters related to honey. The alliance also consists of subject matter experts for various domains who provide assistance to our members on best practices for the honey business.
We work towards strengthening consumer confidence and building a cohesive environment for the overall growth of the honey industry. IHA is committed to creating new opportunities and facilitating ease of doing business for its members, be it with the government and policy makers or with any other stakeholders. We also assist with training and upskilling opportunities for beekeepers and entrepreneurs, through existing networks and mentors.
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India Honey Alliance

Who can become a member?

Indian honey manufacturers, bee keepers, brand owners, exporters, traders, processors of Indian honey including their Associations/ Federations, if any, NGOs and management consultancy organizations, research and academic institutes and testing facilities with interest in promotion of Indian honey.The membership of the society is open to any honey production and/or marketing company or ancillary industry owning or managing one or more factory or factories in India or traders/ exporters.

Easy Steps Process of Becoming a Member

Option 1

Working Process 1

Download Form

Download Questionnaire



Option 2

Working Process 2

Fill the form online


Fill the questionnaire


Option 3

Working Process 3

Download Form

Download Questionnaire


