One Time - Rs. 5,00,000Yearly - Rs. 3,00,000
One Time - Rs. 2 ,00,000Yearly - Rs. 75,000
One Time - Rs. 75,000Yearly - Rs. 30,000
One Time - Rs. 30,000Yearly - Rs. 10,000
One Time - NILYearly - Individuals – Rs.3000
*Name of the organization
*Address of the organization
*Type of membership FounderAssociate CorporateAssociateAffiliateHonorary
Key contact person
Details of head of the organization (CEO, MD, Chairman, etc.)
Company’s portfolio
RetailerProcessorAggregatorExporterFPO / BeekeeperNGOsOthers
Please Specify
Company’s financial report available in public domain YesNo
*Type of organization Pvt LtdPublicCo-operativeSole proprietorshipOther Please mention
Name of the overseas holding company (if applicable)
*Overall business turnover of honey business
National Bee Board registration YesNo If yes, please share registration number
FSSAI license/registration YesNo If yes, please share registration number
Details of membership of other similar associations/societies, if any CIIFICCIAIFPAOther Please specify
Details of the Company Representative for IHA
We/I agree to abide by the Memorandum of Association and the rules of the India Honey Alliance
Company Stamp
Signature of company’s representative
Documents required of the organization
1. GST No. of the organization
2. PAN No. of the organization
3. Hi-resolution logo of the organization
Documents required of their representative
1. KYC of their representative (Aadhar card/Passport/Election card/Driving license)
1. Name of the organization/ संस्था का नाम:
2. Address of the organization/ संस्था का पता:
3. Name of head of the organisation/ संगठन के प्रमुख का नाम:
4. Name & Contact number of the representative/ प्रदतदनदि का नाम और संपकक नंबर:
5. Email id of the representative/ प्रदतदनदि की ईमेल आईडी:
6. Type of Organisation / कं पनी का प्रकार:
Pvt Ltd/ प्राइवेट दलदमटेड
Co-operative/ सहकारी संस्था है
Sole Proprietary/ एकल स्वादमत्व
Public/ सावकजदनक व्यापार
7. Organization's portfolio & number of years involved in:
8. Location of operations / संचालन का क्षेत्र:
9. Number of years in the branded honey business?
10. Annual turnover of honey business - ₹ ?
13. Does the organization have its own honey processing unit?
Yes/ हााँ No/ नही
17. Countries that you export honey to:
USA/ अमेरीका
Canada/ कनाडा
Saudi Arabia/ सऊिी अरब
United Kingdom/ यूनाइटेड दकं गडम
Other/ अन्य
18. How much growth has your honey business seen in last 5 years?
Negative growth/ नकारात्मक वृस्िNo growth at all/ कोई वृस्ि नहीं0-5% growth/ 0-५% की वृस्ि5-10%/ ५- १0%10-20%/ १0-२0%20% and above/ २0% और ऊपर
19. Main market of honey for your company?
Indian market/ भारतीय बाजार
Foreign market/ दविेशी बजार